
The registration for FM2024 is now open and can be performed here. Please check the following table to identify your preferred package before consulting the registration page. Credit card payments are processed exclusively through PayPal; however, creating a PayPal account is not mandatory, as payments through PayPal can be completed as “guests.”

Early Bird rate ends on Jul 30, 2024.

Students (at all levels) interested in attending the Tutorial sessions on Sept. 9 and 10 are invited to contact the organizers at, including in the message a proof of their student status (e.g., scan of university card) and the titles of the tutorials they are interested in, to get a discounted fee (60€ per day rather than 110€).

Social Events

Reception Buffet (Sep, 10th) Extra Ticket: 75€

Social Dinner (Sep, 12th) Extra Ticket: 120€

For any question regarding registration, contact


FM24 will be held at the Leonardo Campus of Politecnico di Milano, situated near the center of Milan.

How to get here (and touristic information)

Milan has an official website providing useful information regarding reaching Milan, moving around the city, and touristic information.

Information regarding how to reach Milan can be found here.

Information about getting around Milan can be found here.

Hotels Nearby

Coming soon.